
SportsBet Tracker includes several utilities that allow you to ease your ability to maintain a strict betting regimen. It includes an ability to import events from previous versions of SBT, as well as import updated team lists for the six major American sports, and to let you restrict Internet access from the application.

To activate the Utilites function click "Show Defaults," then "Utilities."

There are several different buttons. You can mouse over each button to see a summary explanation of its function in the text box on the right.

Import Default Settings and Events: This process imports all your default settings, as well as your graded events, from your previous SportsBet Tracker version. See the next two items for detailed explanations.

Import Default Settings Only: This process imports all the settings that are on your previous version. These settings are explained in detail in Settings. After you click the button, navigate to the file using the pop-up explorer box.

Import Events Only: This process imports all your graded events from your previous SBT version. As before, navigate to the file using the pop-up explorer box. NOTE: Your current SBT version must have no events in the Graded Event grid for proper functioning.

Import Default Venues / Teams: This process imports all the latest teams in the six major American Sports. This import is done from our central server, so you can be assured you have the latest list of teams. This ensures proper operation of the Bet Entry and Bet Grading processing, especially for autograding purposes.

Check Internet Sites: This process allows you to update the link status to some of the sites that the application uses. Use this button if you need to determine whether the external site or your own Internet technical capabilities are malfunctioning. (Notice in the image, the mouse pointer is hovered over the button, so you can see the status of every site in the text box.)

Turn Internet On / Off: This process turns the application's access to the Internet on or off. Important note: This process only affects the application's ability to interact with the Internet. It does NOT affect the Internet status to your other applications or operating system.

Once you are finished with any process, you can close the window. 


Transactions, technically bankroll adjustments, can be performed by clicking "Transaction." The following window appears:

The "Add Amount" option will add money to the bankroll through the "Transaction" column in the next Graded Bet transaction. To remove money from a bankroll, click "Deduct Amount" instead. Once you enter the amount, click "Enter Transaction" to complete the process.

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