Bet Entry

There are currently three methods to enter wagers into the system. You can enter an event from all upcoming events in the six major American sports, as well as other sport leagues such as the Canadian Football League, Woman's National Basketball Association, and the Arena Football League, among others. Most events have rotation numbers attached to the events, but you have the option to enter non-rotation number assigned events.

The process of entering a bet involves two steps:

  1. Selecting and staging the bet
  2. Entering the bet

There are three ways to select and stage a bet:

  1. Using the Rotation Event process
  2. Using the Create Event process
  3. Using the Custom Bet Event process

Method 1: The Rotation Event process

Using the Rotation Event process is the easiest method to enter a bet. To enter an event, first click Rotation Event.

Note: If Internet access is currently disabled, a warning will pop up, letting you know that events showing in the Event List may not be currently valid.

If the events listed appear to be dated, then you may have had the application on without closing for at least a few hours. If the Internet is active, clicking "Refresh" will update the list. If the Internet is not active, then you will get a warning and the list will not be updated.

The events shown are listed in the order of the type of venue, then by date and time of the event. There are two selection criteria:

  1. Events with Rotation No Only – This shows all upcoming events that have a rotation number assigned for each team. Most professional events will have rotation numbers assigned, as well as most major college teams for football and basketball. All other events will be suppressed. This is the default setting.
  2. All Events – This shows all events on the roster, including college events (and some professional events) that don't have a rotation number assigned to it.

Once the event has been selected, entry data is updated on the bottom of the window. In addition, options are given depending on the type of venue, as well as default selections depending on the particular event selected.

For the venues as follows: NFL, NBA, NCAAF, and NCAAB – The three bet types are Sides (Spread, or SPR), Moneyline (ML), or Totals (Over or Under). The default bet type is Sides (SPR), and the selection defaults to the home team.

For the venue MLB – The three bet types are Runline (RL), Moneyline (ML), or Totals (Over or Under). The default bet type is Moneyline (ML), and the selection defaults to the home team.

For the venue NHL – The three bet types are Puckline (PL), Moneyline (ML), or Totals (Over or Under). The default bet type is Moneyline (ML), and the selection defaults to the home team.

For all other venues, the three bet types are the same as the one for the NFL, NBA, NCAAF, and NCAAB.

Note that various text box selections and labels change in accordance to the bet type selected. Here is a rundown:

When SPR, RL, or PL is selected for either the Away team or Home Team, the three text box selections are Units, Spread (or Runline or Moneyline), and Odds.

Betting on the Spread (including Runline and Puckline)

For the NFL, NBA (shown here), NCAAF, and NCAAB:

The Units amount can be incremented by clicking the spin button on the right. Values step in 1-unit increments. The minimum amount of incrementation is 1 unit, though any authorized amount may be manually entered into the text box.

The Spread amount can be incremented by clicking the spin button on the right. Values step in half-integer amounts, either up or down depending on which arrow is clicked. When the two teams are even (mathematically, zero), then the Spread is called a "Pick."

The Odds amount can be incremented by clicking the spin button on the right. Unlike the Units and Spread text boxes, however, the incrementation value increases or decreases depending on whether the value is positive or negative.

  • If the value is negative (example -110), clicking the up arrow increments the value in the NEGATIVE direction. In this case, the incrementation goes from -110 to -111, then -112, etc. Clicking the down arrow increments in the OTHER direction; from -110 to -109, then -108, etc. 
  • If the value is positive (example +110), clicking the up arrow increments the value in the POSITIVE direction. In this case, the incrementation goes from +110 to +111, then +112, etc. Clicking the down arrow increments in the OTHER direction; from +110 to +109, then +108, etc.

This allows for more intuitive adjustment of the odds. In addition, you can enter the odds directly into the text box.

For the MLB Runline or the NHL Puckline, the method is exactly the same as above, except the textbox labeled "Spread" for football and basketball is labeled "Runline" or "Puckline" respectively. Pertinent changes:

MLB Runline

NHL Puckline

Betting on the Moneyline
Betting on the Moneyline is conducted in the same way for all venues. Because a bet on the Moneyline is based upon a straight-up result of an event (winning or losing without regard to the spread or point differential), the Spread text box is suppressed from view.

Betting on the Totals (Over or Under)
Betting on the Totals is conducted in the same way for all venues. When either Over or Under is selected, the middle textbox is labeled "Over" or "Under" respectively.



Obtaining Current Odds Information
If the Internet is currently disabled, then this function will not work. To check on the internet, click "Utilities" and follow instructions there to restore the Internet.

To get the latest odds information, click "Check for Current Line" command button. If the odds for that particular event are available, the data will adjust.

  • For NFL, NBA, NCAAF, and NCAAB events, the Spread will adjust for each team.
  • For MLB and NFL events, the Moneyline will adjust for each team
  • For all events, the Totals amount will adjust

Once adjustments are made, the command button will change to "Show Covers Event Info." Clicking the button will open the web page on the Covers website for comprehensive information on the event you have selected.

Rotation Number Hotbox
If you know the rotation number of the event you would like to track, just type in the number in the textbox labeled "Rot. No". This will immediately select the event on the listbox. In addition, the particular team of the rotation number will be selected in either the Spread or Moneyline bet type, depending on the venue.

Event Duration
If your wager involves only betting for a portion of the event, you can select the duration in the "Event Duration" combo box. The item selections correspond to the type of event you are betting. For instance, the NFL has durations showing halves or quarters, while MLB allows you to wager a 5th inning score.

Bet Amount Display
This display shows the amount of your current bet. This amount is based upon the units bet, and calculates it in conjunction with your selected Unit amount and, if using the bankroll percentage option, the amount of money in your bankroll. This amount is rounded to the nearest dollar.

Enter a Specific Bet (or Win) Amount
The SportsBet Tracker is designed to follow a strict betting regimen protocol. The amount to bet is generally dictated by the amount of your bankroll, coupled with setting up unit percentages or amounts to calculate a specific amount for your bet. However, in some cases, you may wish to either bet a specific dollar amount or win a specific win amount.

To enter a bet amount, do the following:

  1. First, enter the odds of the particular bet.
  2. Next, click the "Adj. $$" command button. The following window will appear:

  3. Next, enter the amount you would like to bet into Bet Amount. Note that the Win Amount and Adjusted Bet Unit labels change when you enter the bet amount.
  4. Once the following window appears, click "OK":

In addition, if you click "Select Amount to Win", you can select a win amount. The Bet Amount box will automatically adjust, as well as the Adjusted Bet Unit. Note, however, that your bet amount may differ because the system will only allow you to bet in one dollar increments, so the actual win amount will be close to, but not exactly, the same amount of your desired win amount.

Staging the Bet
If everything in your bet looks all right, then click "Stage Bet" to send the bet to the staging area. The logo will be replaced by the Bet Description text box on the main screen. The following is a typical bet description:

At this point, you can either cancel or enter the bet. You cannot edit the bet when it's on the staging area, so make sure before you stage a bet that all your information is correct.

Bet Entry

Click "Enter Bet" to process the bet into the Active Bet grid.  Here is the entry along with a description of the Active Bet grid headings.  Note: For clarity, the images of the entry is split into two.

Click for Details – Clicking the button on the corresponding bet will bring up the bet details in a message box. The details are identical in format and content to the Bet Staging label in the previous process.

Event Date – The date of the event.

Bank Base  – This is the current level of the bankroll prior to making the bet. If you have selected the Bet Percentage betting process to calculate your active betting amounts, this figure is the bankroll figure that is used in the calculations.

Units – Units bet on wager.

Unit Amount – This is the unit amount used to calculate the bet. If Bet Percentage is chosen as the betting process, this number will vary according to the level of the bankroll.

Bet Amount – This is the amount of the bet. It is calculated by mulitplying the Units by the Units Amount, rounded to the nearest dollar. If you have a Maximum Bet amount set in your default settings, and the calculated bet amount exceeds the maximum bet amount, then the maximum bet amount will be used for the bet amount.

Venue – This is the venue that is bet. If the venue is not one of the six American venues (NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL, NCAAF, and NCAAB), then "Other" will appear.

Team / Teams (Selected) – This is the place where the event matchup is placed. If this is a Sides or Moneyline event, where one team is selected over the other, the selected team will appear in parantheses. If this is a Totals event, neither team will appear in parantheses. If there are rotation numbers affiliated with the event, then the rotation numbers will appear in front of their respective teams. Finally, if the duration of the event is not for the full game, then the duration will appear after the matchup listing.

Line – This is the place were the spread, runline, puckline, or over/under amount for the event is entered. If the event is a Moneyline event, then the odds would be posted here as it would be considered the line. If the line is a runline, puckline, or over/under amount, the amount itself would be preceded by RL, PL, or Over / Under respectively.

Odds (Amer) – This is the place where the odds are entered. 

Odds (Dec) – American odds are converted to decimal odds here. This allows the user to see the calculation of the bet itself as it is processed in the system.

Result –This is where the result of the event is graded. See Bet Grading for instructions.

Amount Won/Lost – This is where the amount won or lost on the bet is recorded once the bet is graded. See Bet Grading for instructions.

Once the bet has been entered, then it is ready for grading.

Other Bet Entry Methods

Although you will use the Rotation Event window to stage your bets most of the time, in some cases it will not contain the event you wish to bet. In this case, you can use the Create Event window to enter an event from one of the six major American Sports. Finally, if you cannot enter an event from either the Rotation Event or Create Event windows, you can create a custom event.

Method 2: The Create Event Process

To create an event from one of the six major American sports, click "Create Event." 

The difference between the Create Event window and the Rotation Event window is that you can put in your own event. You can select one of the six American venues, or you can enter a different venue, such as WNBA, AFL, or UBC. Optionally, you can include rotation numbers. The controls work just like the Rotation Event window, with the exception of being able to select teams, rotation numbers, and event dates. In addition to these controls, the Reset button returns the form to its original state if you wish to start over in entering an event.

If you click "Other" in the Venue combo box, a new text box will display, allowing you to type in the pertinent venue. In addition, the Away and Home Team combo boxes change to text boxes, so you can input your own teams or individual opponents.

In general, you would use "Create Event" to create a bet based upon two teams, or two individual opponents (such as a prize fight). If you omit the venue, it will show up as "Other" on the Bet Entry and Bet Grading grids, and will also calculate as "Other" in the Venue Grid calculations.

Other items shown on the Create Event window operate similarily as they do on Rotation Event.

Method 3: Create a Custom Event (Bet) Process

Finally, to create a custom event that is not restricted to team events, or those involving two opponents, click "Custom Bet."

Here, instead of teams, a single text box allows you to enter any type of event. In addition, there is one more combo box: Bet Type. This allows you to select the type of bet you wish to make. This allows the bet to be set up with your parameters. You can create an event out of the six major American sports, or by selecting "Other" in the Venue combo box, you can create your own event description in the Event textbox.

Custom Bet is geared toward those events that have fields, such as Nascar or PGA Golf. Usually, the bets do not involve spreads or totals, but you can create any option in "Bet Type."

Other items shown on the Custom Bet window operate similarily as they do on Rotation Event.

Next: Grading a bet