Current Status and Statistics

The SportsBet Tracker provides some convenient status indications and statistics that help you determine the effectiveness of your sports betting campaign:

Current Status

The current status shows you various items related to the current state of your bankroll, active bets, and bet amounts. It is located on the top of the sheet.

Active Bet Count: These are the number of bets currently active.

Current Bank Amount: This is the current bankroll amount calculated from the last graded bet.

Current Unit Bet Amount: This is the current amount calculated with your default settings. Note this amount may not be indicative of the actual bet amount (which is rounded to the nearest dollar), but this amount is the actual figure used in calculating all bets. For instance, if the Current Unit Bet Amount is $12.69, and you wish to make a bet of a single unit, that bet would actually be rounded to $13.00. However, if you make a 2-unit bet, then the actual calculation is done on the $12.69 amount, which is multiplied by 2, which comes to $25.38, which is then rounded to $25.00.

Amount Left to Bet: Amount left to bet after calculating the outlay percentage set in default settings with the current bankroll amount, subtracting the amount tied up in active bets.

Active Bet Outlay: The amount tied up in active bets.

Total Units Won: Total units from all bets won.

Total Units Lost: Total units from all bets lost.

Winnings @$10 Flat Bet: Final amount won (or lost) if you made a $10 bet on every event you have bet on, regardless of unit amounts or actual bet amounts.

Result Grids

Result grids are performance breakdowns of all bets made according to three different criteria: Venues, Unit Amounts, and Bet Types. In addition, each item is broken down into win-loss amounts, as well as aggregate juice and aggregate win percentages. Note that the aggregate win percentage is not the same thing as an event win percentage. The aggregate win percentage is actually the aggregate of all odds that were present for winning bets. This provides a more accurate measure of the effectiveness of the betting campaign as a whole, and not just to the events.

Venue Grid

This grid allows you to compare the results of your bets from the six major American Venues: NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL, NCAAF, and NCAAB. All other events are consolidated in "Other."

Using the Venue Grid, you can determine what types of venue you may be strong or weak in. For instance, if you have a stronger NFL record than an MBA record, you may wish to consider concentrating more of your handicapping resources and time to the NFL rather than the NBA.

Unit Grid

Generally, handicappers use "unit" weights to determine their own probability of winning an event. In general, handicappers use a scale of 1 to 5, with an average bet being 3 units. Optimally, the higher ranked units should also result in a higher aggregate percentage.

Using the Unit Grid, you can determine if your handicapping strategies may need adjustment. For instance, if you use a certain handicapper all the time, and his higher weighted events lose more often, you can make the determination from this grid more easily.

Bet Type Grid

This grid allows you to compare the results of your bets from the six major American Venues: NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL, NCAAF, and NCAAB. All other events are consolidated in "Other."

Current Bet Amounts per Unit

The Current Bet Amounts per Unit segment shows the current bet amounts that you use when you make your bet.

Typically, you will use values from this segment prior to making the actual bet with your bookmaking source. Once you make the bet with your source, you will then use the spread information, moneyline information, and other attributs such as total amounts to create the bet on SportsBet Tracker.

Internet Connection Status

You can check the status of the Internet below the Current Bet Amounts per Unit column.

You can turn the application's Internet connection status on or off at the Utilities window (next section). Note: The Internet connection status only applies to the current application. It does not apply to the Internet status with regard to the rest of your applications or operating system.

Next: Utilities